Journal of Mathematics
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision138 days
Acceptance to publication22 days
Journal Citation Indicator1.140
Impact Factor1.4

New Proof of the Property of Stirling Number Based on Fubini Polynomials

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Journal of Mathematics is a broad scope journal that publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of both pure and applied mathematics.

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Chief Editor, Professor Jen-Chih Yao, is currently based at Zhejiang Normal University in China. His current research includes dynamic programming, mathematical programming, and operations research.

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We currently have a number of Special Issues open for submission. Special Issues highlight emerging areas of research within a field, or provide a venue for a deeper investigation into an existing research area.

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On Implicit Atangana–Baleanu–Caputo Fractional Integro-Differential Equations with Delay and Impulses

In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions for impulsive Atangana-Baleanu-Caputo fractional integro-differential equations with boundary conditions. Schaefer’s fixed point theorem and Banach contraction principle are used to prove the existence and uniqueness results. An example is presented to illustrate the results.

Research Article

The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Sufficient Dimension Reduction

The minimum average variance estimation (MAVE) method has proven to be an effective approach to sufficient dimension reduction. In this study, we apply the computationally efficient optimization algorithm named alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to a particular approach (MAVE or minimum average variance estimation) to the problem of sufficient dimension reduction (SDR). Under some assumptions, we prove that the iterative sequence generated by ADMM converges to some point of the associated augmented Lagrangian function. Moreover, that point is stationary. It also presents some numerical simulations on synthetic data to demonstrate the computational efficiency of the algorithm.

Research Article

Some Conditions and Perturbation Theorem of Irregular Wavelet/Gabor Frames in Sobolev Space

Due to its potential applications in image restoration and deep convolutional neural networks, the study of irregular frames has interested some researchers. This paper addresses irregular wavelet systems (IWSs) and irregular Gabor systems (IGSs) in Sobolev space . We obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for IWS and IGS to be frames. By applying these conditions, we also derive the characterizations of IWS and IGS to be frames. Finally, we discuss the perturbation theorem of irregular wavelet frames (IWFs) and irregular Gabor frames (IGFs). We also provided some examples to support our results.

Research Article

Subgradient Extragradient Method for Finite Lipschitzian Demicontractions and Variational Inequality Problems in a Hilbert Space

In this research, the modified subgradient extragradient method and -mapping generated by a finite family of finite Lipschitzian demicontractions are introduced. Then, a strong convergence theorem for finding a common element of the common fixed point set of finite Lipschitzian demicontraction mappings and the common solution set of variational inequality problems is established. Furthermore, numerical examples are given to support the main theorem.

Research Article

Modern Approach in Pattern Recognition Using Circular Fermatean Fuzzy Similarity Measure for Decision Making with Practical Applications

The circular Fermatean fuzzy (CFF) set is an advancement of the Fermatean fuzzy (FF) set and the interval-valued Fermatean fuzzy (IVFF) set which deals with uncertainty. The CFF set is represented as a circle of radius ranging from 0 to with the center at the degree of association (DA) and degree of nonassociation (DNA). If multiple people are involved in making decisions, the CFF set, as an alternative to the FF and IVFF sets, can deal with ambiguity more effectively by encircling the decision values within a circle rather than taking an average. Using algorithms, a pattern can be observed computationally or visually. Machine learning algorithm utilizes pattern recognition as an instrument for identifying patterns and also similarity measure (SM) is a beneficial pattern recognition tool used to classify items, discover variations, and make future predictions for decision making. In this work, we introduce the CFF cosine and Dice similarity measures (CFFDMs and CFFSMs), and their properties are studied. Unlike traditional approaches of decision making, which emphasize a single number, the proposed CFFSMs observe the pattern over the circular region to help in dealing with uncertainty more effectively. We introduce an innovative decision-making method in the FF setting. Available bank loans and applicants’ eligibility levels are represented as CFF set using their FF criteria and are taken as loan patterns and customer eligibility patterns. The loan is allocated to the applicant by measuring the CFFCSM and CFFDSM between the two patterns. Also, laptops are suggested to the customers by measuring the similarity between specification pattern and requirement pattern. The correctness and consistency of the proposed models are ensured by comparison analysis and graphical simulations of the input and similarity CFFNs.

Research Article

A Solution Matrix by IEVP under the Central Principle Submatrix Constraints

The real matrix is called centrosymmetric matrix if where is permutation matrix with ones on cross diagonal (bottom left to top right) and zeroes elsewhere. In this article, the solvability conditions for left and right inverse eigenvalue problem (which is special case of inverse eigenvalue problem) under the submatrix constraint for generalized centrosymmetric matrices are derived, and the general solution is also given. In addition, we provide a feasible algorithm for computing the general solution, which is proved by a numerical example.

Journal of Mathematics
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision138 days
Acceptance to publication22 days
Journal Citation Indicator1.140
Impact Factor1.4
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